Redeemed - The Chosen Ones (Inspirational Story of Faith)
Updated: Oct 10, 2022
I'm walking in shadows
My flesh is laid bare
I'm crippled, my heart aches
My's starting to tear
In millions of pieces
Lie my shattered dreams
Nothing in this world
Really is as it seems
In darkness they hide
Terrorizing my mind
Resurfacing the beautiful dreams
That I've left behind
All of those moments
Of power...and love
Have been replaced by what I've chosen
Taken by what I've done
I surrendered my rights
When I decided to bow
There's nothing in this world
That can save me now
They have the authority
Every legal right
To taunt me...and torture even take my life
I'm realizing I chose this
Even knowing what could come
And there's nothing that I hold
That can undo what I've done
These are my final moments
I see the end drawing near
.....Wait.....what is that?
I can....sense something
It's something...I hear
It's a voice from my past
It sounds familiar and it's kind
This voice it's saying: I am HIS
And: HE is mine
What's happening?
The chains around my neck
They're falling to the ground
My torturers...they're fleeing
Nowhere to be found
This voice it just saved me
It's a Man...he's coming into my view
HE's giving me healing
Everything is becoming new
There's a robe I'm now wearing
It's glimmering white
It's covering me and cleansing
It's giving me life
The man that saved me
HE says: I love you my child
Now you've been made whole
You are my chosen
Believe it is so
You must go out to tell others
Who are falling like you
Go to those who do not know ME
And those who forgot what to do
Here...wear MY armor
Hold MY words tight
Now have MY victory
I've given you LIFE
Go into the world
Give others the TRUTH
Tell them: I AM coming
Like I came for you
The enemy has trapped them
but if you Fight in MY NAME
Their shackles will fall
All the guilt and the shame
This war that is raging
Still has battles to come
Know that I will be with you
For I AM God's Son
Remember you are separate
You've been bought with a price
I've paid your penalty
So that you could have MY light
Now take it to others
They are dying and must live
You have freely received this
Now go...
Freely GIVE
